To promote the appreciation of sailing and foster a community and culture committed to advancing both sailing and sailing education in the Juneau area.

COYOTE Screening

The Gold Town Nickelodeon
01/16/2019 - 18:30 to 21:30

The screening of the Film Coyote will take the place of the January Sailor Talk.

Following the film will be a live Q&A video conference with Director Thomas Simmons.

Suggested Donation:
$10.00 with Student ID

2018 Awards Party

Sailing appears to be done for the year, so it's obviously time to have a party!  The SEAS board invites you to the annual Awards Party next Friday, November 30th, at McGivney's downtown.  We've rented out the Owner's Box from 6-9pm.  The 2018 awards will be presented, along with the results of the elections for the 2019 board.
