Sailor Talks

This type is chosen when the event is an education workshop or clinic.

Marine First Aid

Northwind Architects, 126 Seward St, Downtown Juneau
02/28/2018 - 18:30 to 20:00

The next Sailors Talk will be held Wednesday, February 28th at Northwind Architects, 126 Seward St, downtown Juneau, from 6:30 pm- 8pm.

Our own Dr. Noble Anderson will share his applied knowledge on marine first aid. Topics will include near drowning, hypothermia, shock/trauma basics, abdominal pain, "red flags", first aid kit provisioning, tourniquets, wound cleaning, advanced burn care or heavy sprain/break care. A brief question and answer discussion will follow.

Sailor Talk #1

Juneau Yacht Club
02/01/2018 - 18:00 to 20:00

Happy Winter 2018 Sailors!

SEAS and the Juneau Yacht Club* are collaborating for this first Sailors Talk!

The event will held Thursday, February 1 at the Juneau Yacht Club, Graham Room, 6pm-8pm.

Sailor Talk #4 - Racing Rules & Tactics

04/20/2017 - 18:00 to 20:00

The 2017 SEAS racing season is upon us, so it's time for our annual 'Racing Rules and Tactics' discussion.

This discussion will focus on the most fundamental rules, our starts, skipper's meetings, SEAS specific rules, and ratings for the SEAS Cup, the buoy races, and the Spirit of Admiralty.  

Of course, time allowed we can have discussions about specific rule questions and sailing situations.

Hope to see you there.

Sailor Talk #3 - Safety

03/30/2017 - 18:00 to 20:00

With the amount of gear and options available on what you should or should not have, fitting out a sailboat can be daunting. There will be an element of "show and tell" on safety gear and the format of the evening will be more of a "conversation" than a "lecture". There are basic safety items we should all be aware of. Sean will discuss the Safety Sheets that each skipper can use to create a customied inventory of their safety gear, where it is located, etc. Wade will discuss items that should be incorporated into the boats ditch bag.
