Sailor Talks

This type is chosen when the event is an education workshop or clinic.

SEAS Sailor Talk #2

02/26/2016 - 17:30 to 19:30

The February SEAS sailor talk is scheduled for this Friday, February 26th, at 5:30 pm. It will take place at the office of NorthWind Architects at 126 Seward Street. The SEAS race committee has established a proposed race schedule for 2016. This sailor talk will focus on all aspects of racing, including a discussion of the race schedule and options for a skipper’s choice race out of Auke Bay! The topics for the sailor talk will include:
*SEAS Cup schedule, Eligibility, Rules, and Race committee management;
*Admiralty Island Rally;
*GPS techniques for racing;

Sailor Talk #1 - Southeast Cruising (Past & Future)

01/29/2015 - 18:00 to 20:00

The theme of the first Sailor Talk of the year is “Southeast Cruising (Past & Future)”. Several members will present their local trips to Southeast Alaska destinations such as Tenakee, Sitka, White Sulphur Hot Springs, the Outside Coast, Glacier Bay, Fords Terror, etc.

We'll also discuss plans for more cruising this season & beyond (Neka Hot Springs, Petersburg, Myers Chuck, etc.). 
