To promote the appreciation of sailing and foster a community and culture committed to advancing both sailing and sailing education in the Juneau area.

Boat Buying During A Pandemic

Buying a boat during a pandemic, especially one sitting at a dock a thousand miles away, was not part of the grand plan. The grand plan was to put Asterix, my current boat, up for sale in the summer of 2020, figuring that it would take six months or more to sell it and by then the pandemic would be over. The boat sold in six weeks. The pandemic is still around.

2021 Spirit of Admiralty


The around admiralty sailboat race was conceived on the 25th Anniversary year of Alaska’s Statehood.  Commemorating the spirit of adventure, comradery, and endurance that characterizes the people of Alaska, and thirty-seven years later, this race has not lost any of that adventurous spirit. 

Buoy Race #1

Juneau Turning Basin
05/04/2024 - 12:00 to 16:00
Are you ready to kick-off the 2024 summer?  Well, so is SEAS.  So, Saturday, May 4, 2024, starting at noon we are going to kick it off right with a couple buoy races in the Juneau Turning Basin. The race will need to wait for the Maritime Festival events to clear the turning basin before the races commence.
Order of events:

Admiralty Island Rally 2020 – June 20-June 28

Admiralty Island Rally 2020 – June 20-June 28

This year’s AIR was a spectacular Southeast Alaska cruise, comprised of 7 legs of sailing and a two- day layover at Baranof Warm Springs.  Weather was typical – overcast with a few days of sun, and a few days of persistent rain!    Official participants include S/V Surprise – Anthony and Lori and Crupi with their two teens Eli and Serena (she had her 13th birthday in Baranof!),  S/V Lyric skippered by Wade Rogers , with crew member Kacie Timothy, and  S/V A Little Romance Skippered by Steve Parker, with Crew Hal Geiger. Support participants included S/V Morning Star skipped by Rick Edwards with his son Kieran as crew, and M/V Juniebell with Sean Boily and Sarah Lewis, their son Axel, and ever vigilant sea-dog Chili. 

The course and play by play:

Leg 1, 6/20 - Marmion Island to Point Astley: 

Race start off Marmion Island at 10 am was bumped up to Pt. Arden and 11am due to lack of wind. 
