To promote the appreciation of sailing and foster a community and culture committed to advancing both sailing and sailing education in the Juneau area.

The Tortoises and the Hare

The second Skipper's choice race started off with a choice: there was a beautiful westerly blowing out from around the backside of Douglas, but further down the course there was a strong easterly coming out of Taku Inlet, and a calm convergence zone in between. Surprise and Shoreless both chose to start at the Marmion Island end of the line and stay high to keep out of the convergence zone.

SEAS Cup Skipper's Choice #1

As the skippers met on the dock, the forecast and conditions seemed to foretell of an inauspicious beginning to the 2023 SEAS cup races for SEAS.  The forecast called for 5 knots of wind in Stephen's Passage, building to a possible 10 knots in the afternoon.  As all Juneau sailors know, this usually means it MIGHT blow 5 at some point during the day. 

Indeed, motoring down Gastineau Channel toward the Marmion Island starting point for the backside of Douglas race, the forecast seemed accurate.  The channel was grease.  It was flat calm, with teeny-tiny ripples near Marmion, but no indication of better breeze.

Jay Ginter Memorial Day Regatta

Marmion Island
05/25/2024 - 09:30 to 05/27/2024 - 21:00

Leg 1 (Saturday) - Starting at 9:30 a.m. between the Committee Boat ( the last satellite earth station at the end of the Rock Dump) and the Mayflower Island Day Mark, proceed south down Gastineau Channel, then south across Taku Inlet, into Stephens Passage passing Grand Island to either port or starboard (Skipper’s choice), finishing at the entrance to Taku Harbor on an imaginary line bearing 030 magnetic to, and within ½ mile of the Grave Point Day Mark. Boats will dock/anchor overnight in Taku Harbor.

2024 Maritime Festival Buoy Race

The S/V Surprise sailing with a blue and white spinnaker with the town of Douglas and Mt. Jumbo in the backgroundThe first race of the year is always a time for figuring things out for the season, and this year was no exception! Surprise brought the wrong genoa on accident, and High Noon only had a portion of their usual crew. That said, the weather cooperated and we had a thrilling match race in moderate winds and a bit of sun.
