Animated Knots by Grog
Newbies & Seadogs alike can improve their knot-tying prowess with this handy animated website.
A place to discuss all things sailing in Southeast Alaska
Newbies & Seadogs alike can improve their knot-tying prowess with this handy animated website.
The link:
Pretty darn comprehensive. Worth a read. It even has tests if you want to live the academic experience.
We need to augment our power production on High Noon. Anybody have suggestions/advice on marine-grade efficient solar panels? Quiet wind-mills?
Hate the thought of needing to run the main!
Thanks! Mike
With spring just months away, I thought it might be interesting to talk about how to tune the standing rigging on your boat. I know I need to do it since I've never checked it on Lyric, having only owned her since late spring of 2010. I do, however, plan to check my rigging for proper tuning this spring because I have some rigging issues (both standing and running) with which to deal.
Hi, I'm in town for the month as my fiance is working at Ron's Apothecary and I would love to sail around Juneau. SEASailing looked promising at first, but on second glance the site looks rather inactive. I'm bummed I missed Wade's post--I arrived a day too late! Does anyone think there is a chance for me at SEASailing? Should I be looking elsewhere? Is the sailing good in September? I spent the last month in Sitka and was amazed at how calm it was.