AIR Part 2 - Heading South

Leg 2 –Point Astley to Pybus Bay

Start Time:     Sunday June 22, 2014--0900

Start:              A line between the Committee Boat and, within ½-mile of, the north tip of Pt. Astley, bearing 060M.

Distance:        33.6 nautical miles

Course:           After the start, proceed south through Stephens Passage into Frederick Sound.

Finish:            An imaginary line bearing 110M to the trees at the north end of Spruce Island.

Anchorage:    Proceed north into the West Channel of Pybus Bay anchoring in Cannery Cove. ~ 6 miles from the finish.

2012 crew headed south to Pybus in rain and wind.

Blue-Sky Morning Departure, Pybus Bay, 2012