SEAS Board Meeting

Monday, August 29, 2011 - 18:00 to 19:00


SEAS Meeting Monday 29 August 2011
Jason, Brian, Jimmy, Wade, Jim, Mary, Nikki   Joel arrived around 6:30
6:04 pm
Fewer boats on water and fewer people doing the work. Several races with only one boat.
Education committee doing well.
Not us, just how do we get more or new people? Lost several only one new.
We created committed in order to spread the load. Perhaps we need to pick more members.
Why did people leave? Several have moved. People are moving to town but they aren't participating.
What was successful? What Sean did was. Should we do something like that in the summer? There were fresh new people there. We did have new crew. Perhaps gathering on Wednesdays when weather is bad? Wednesday's seem to be key. Having a place to go might be good. Then we could make decisions on whether to go out. How is online signup for races going? Not accurate at all. No ones using it to be accurate. There were 5? Boats on the first race.
Wade's suggestions: develop relationship with newspapers, continue sailors talk in summer, bouy races in Auke Bay or downtown, public service announcements, boat show in the spring (maybe something in the harbor), featured boat of the month, tool exchange in order to get and keep members, how about signs on our boats when in the harbor (maybe something that fits between the lifelines),
Brian suggested adult sailing classes with Juneau Youth Sailing. Perhaps buoy races with them. Just be more involved with their classes. They had races on Tueasdays this summer. Sailor's talk brought out people who were excited and trying to get their boats out. They were successful and then stopped having them. Maybe hands on during summer.
Jason said two guys from sail club showed me how to dock boat and stuff.
Jimmy -if we make personal invitations they may come out.
Brian - personally adopt someone on your float. If everybody finds someone with a boat to become a member then we'll be good. Captains will go out with people on their boats. A lot of people want to go out but just need a little help.
Don't want to give lessons. We need to have a connection with Juneau youth sailing.
Need critical mass of members not quite enough to support new members. Lorax was out a couple weeks ago. He doesn't come out very often.
How do we organize? That's why we created the communications committee. We need a mechanism that takes someone in and helps them carry through to become complete member. Capturing data. Email and phone numbers. Adopting a skipper. When do we get captains together? Lots of people show up at first picnic. Problem isn't crew it's boats. Day races early? Saturday and Sunday? Wednesday night not a race. A number of skippers have no interest at all in racing. They want to cruise. They're out on their boats already.
Progression of crew to owning a boat. Lot of eager young people without boats. They want to race on weekends. What about people who have boats and don't get out. Racing is a way to get a group out and sail together. Have a class that's just cruisers. How do we convey that? Most of sailors talk was related to cruising. 
Only one formal race left. Probably not put boats away till October. Still time to recruit. Last year 9/6 and 9/4 were our last races.
Jimmy membership push. Email will get out. Facebook! We need to do something. Brian will figure out a way to integrate it with website. People can forward it invites. Communications group fell apart. What's the next step? Mary will make Brian admin and he will see how to integrate it.
We all in agreement that we need to one on one take on new skippers. And integrate with jys.
How many people will be out this weekend? Joel, Jim, Wade, maybe Brian, Tango.
Adjourn at 7 pm.