Board Meeting

Monday, February 6, 2012 - 16:00 to 18:00


Board meeting called to order 6pm on 2/6/12
Joel Osburn,
Jason Fegal, 2012 At-Large Board Member
Wade Rogers, 2012 Vice-Commodore
Mary Sternfeld, 2012 Treasurer
Jim Mahan, 2011 Commodore, 2012 At-Large Board Member
Sean Boily, 2012 Commodore
Schedule of upcoming events:
Sailor Talk 2/16/12.  Topics will be two: 
1)      Dan with Harkin; presentation on equipment, hardware/rigging
2)      “places we have been” slide show (attendees send in 2-3 slides, then talk about them each for 20 sec when they come up).  Will require notification in advance.
Financial:  By next meeting  Mary will have comparison of this year’s revenue to last. 
Membership:  By next meeting Mary and Nicki will have tally of current membership, who has paid and who has not.
-          We would like to identify new members and send them each a greeting and invite to Sailor Talk this winter.  Sean will look into the membership list and try to get that done.
-          Burgees:  We have 10, at a cost of $32 each.  Intention is to have them for sale to members who want new ones, and to give one to each new “first year” or full family membership who signs up.
Benefits of SEAS membership:  Question was raised again as to how to answer this.  Ideas on the table:
-          Template for a safety manual was discussed.  Good idea – could out to new skippers along with a Sailor Talk discussion as to what to do with it.
-          (only touched on by Sean, but mentioned in previous meeting) idea of a seas emergency contact label for current SEAS boats.  Kind of like a CG inspection sticker.  Helps us all keep an eye on each others boats.  Merits further discussion  in next meeting.
-          Events – races and other social events.  Expand on in future (thinking of the Dupont Round-up in the early spring).
-          Maritime Festival participation
-          Contributions to other groups such as AWARE (like last year) – will expand on in future meetings.
-          Writing contributions to website;  Jimmy will post them, but he want someone else to edit them.  Wade and Sean will get that done – may enlist help of Sean’s wife Sarah who is a semi-pro writer and editor.  Biggest thing is to encourage people to write in.
-          Mary will coordinate with Sean to get him on the bank account as a signer
-          Jimmy gave us the combo and number of the post office box in Douglas – will need Sean, Mary, or Joel to check it.
Committee: Race
Joel Osburn– Chair
Brian Lieb –  Contacted and confirmed after the meeting: he is on board.
Mike Rentel – Handicapper.  Contacted and confirmed after the meeting: he is on board.
Wade Rogers
Jim Greene (needs confirmation)
Committee: Education
Sean Boily
Jason Fegal
Gerald Gotschall (need confirmation)
Anthony Crupi – Contacted and confirmed after the meeting: he is on board.
Committee: Communication
Needs Chair
Needs additional members
Wade Rogers (vice chair – until someone else volunteers)
Jim Mahan (out in April, critical time)
Brian Lieb (he is IT/website guru, confirmed)
-          Suggest having coast guard auxiliary check for vessel safety for any boat/skipper doing public events such as the AWARE sail, or Maritime Festival.
-          MOB drills recommended as part of an early season sailing event – perhaps the Dupont trip.
-          Need to make contact with Juneau Empire reporter for sailing photos, reports articles.
-          Presence at Maritime Festival
-          Look into KTOO Juneau Afternoon.
-          Sandy Beach season kickoff party.
Race Committee discussion:
-          First race of season to start at Mayflower island.  Other to start out at mouth of channel.
-          Considering earlier start to races and a hard-and-fast start time.  The purpose is to catch any morning breeze, which seems to consistently die off about ½ hour after the start of any 10am race.
Meeting closed at 8pm.
Sean Boily
SEAS 2012 Commodore